Our mission is to connect broken people to a community of support by offering free resources and services that address immediate and long-term needs in the areas of poverty, addiction, abuse, as well as kids and youth mentorship. The Dream Center serves as a resource center focused on finding solutions to homelessness, hunger, and the lack of education through outreach programs.
THREE causes
Hunger, Homeless, Fatherless
Our desire is to share the love of Christ and build relationships that will act as a bridge to end chronic homelessness, feed the hungry, mentor the at risk youth, and help clean up neighborhoods in impoverished areas in our city.

Hotel Outreach
Our Hotel Outreach ministry seeks to be a light in the midst of darkness, creating opportunities to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people in our community. Part of our Hotel Outreach ministry includes Safe Kids Care which facilitates a safe place over night for children to stay at, along with two meal. One of which is with their families at drop off time. We also have our amazing street team that go out to encourage those in need.
Youth Mentorship
Mentoring youth is the way to end the chronic problems of our society. From abuse and addiction, to homelessness, mentoring at-risk kids and helping these kids towards a future different than the one the currently see.